Family Memorial Monument Options


There are several reasons that you may want to choose a family memorial monument option over individual monuments or over small markers. One of the reasons may be to stay within budget. Another reason may be due to the limited amount of space you have at a family burial plot. If you are facing the issue of needing to find the right memorial for your family burial site or for a group of family members at a restored family site, then here are some options to consider.

30 December 2020

Ideas for Scattering a Loved One's Ashes


When your loved one chooses cremation rather than a burial, you'll need to decide what to do with their ashes. Usually, this is an emotive decision that requires a lot of discussion with family members and friends. Here are some ideas for approaching the task. 1. Interring Ashes Rather than scattering the ashes, you may decide that you want to inter them instead. Some people inter ashes in an individual plot that they will visit in the same way they would visit a grave.

26 June 2020

The Benefits of Choosing Granite for a Headstone


Choosing a headstone is one of the most important elements of planning a funeral. Although it's unlikely that you'll lay the headstone for a few months, the time to select one will soon arrive. There's a lot to consider when selecting a monument for your loved one's grave. One of the most important factors is the material of the headstone you're choosing. If you're yet to make a decision, here's why granite should be your first choice.

26 June 2020

What You Need To Take Into Account When Purchasing A Gravestone


Gravestones are, by no means, a new way to commemorate the resting place of a deceased loved one. In fact, since the act of marking a grave is has been performed for centuries, it is unsurprising that the current age offers a myriad of gravestones that you can choose! But this vast range of options does not automatically mean you can choose what you are initially attracted to. From ledger gravestones to the obelisk variety, several considerations have to be had in mind to ensure that you are making the right selection in terms of function as well as to honour your loved one that has passed on.

3 January 2020